The garage is the ultimate storage space, housing everything from sports equipment, tools, holiday decorations and forgotten treasures. We stuff so many things in there that amidst the chaos of clutter, finding what you need can feel like an arduous task. However it doesn’t have to feel this way. In this article I put together this comprehensive guide that will give you the best ways to clean your garage to reclaim valuable space and transform it into a functional place in your home.
Assessing The Situation.
Take a step back before diving into decluttering headfirst. Assess the current state of the garage and consider factors such as available space, existing storage solutions and the different types of items cluttering the space. Keep a note of any hazardous or bulky items that may require special handling. Try to prioritize safety throughout the decluttering process to eliminate any injury. If you have to use a ladder having a helper will make things easy. Lots of injury related to ladders are caused by slipping, a helper would be able to spot you which would make the decluttering process easier.
Assign Clear Goals
One key to starting a decluttering project is setting clear goals. Have a determination of what you hope to achieve with your garage overhaul. Determine if you want space for a home gym, a workshop or reclaiming a space to park your vehicle. Having this vision will help to guide your decisions and motivate you throughout the process.
Declutter Strategy
Having assessed the situation and having a set clear goals, it’s now time to tackle the clutter. The first thing you want to do is sorting items into categories such as keep, donate, sell and discard. Be obsessive and practical in your decision making. Ask yourself if the items are truly necessary or if it’s just there taking up valuable space. You should consider donating or selling items that are good in condition but no longer serve a purpose in your life.
Maximize Vertical Space
Creating vertical space is one of the most effective ways to clean your garage. Consider installing shelves, cabinets and wall-mounted racks to store items off from the floor. This way the items will be easily accessible and create space. Utilize overhead storage such as ceiling mounted shelves or hanging racks. You can use it to store bulky and seasonal items that are used as frequently.
Creating zones is also one of the best ways to clean your garage. Doing this designates organizing different types of items and activities. You can designate a zone for gardening that will have tools, pots and soils. A sports zone for equipments like bikes, balls and rackets. A workshop zone for tools, workbenches and supplies and so on, you get the idea here. Clearly label each zone to ensure everything has its designated home and can be easily found when needed.
Invest in Storage devices
Consider investing in storage solutions that will fit your needs and budget. Look into shelving units, stackable bins or pegboard organizers. You can choose to either go the DIY route and buy materials to build yourself. Buy durable, weather resistant materials that can withstand harsh outside garage conditions. I believe you should not cheapen out on this investment as you want this to last a long time instead of not holding up. This will create problems down the road and you will have to redo it again. If you have hazardous materials such as chemicals or power tools consider locking cabinets or container. It’s best to be on the safe side.
Regular Maintenance
The only thing keeping your garage from getting cluttered again is constant maintenance. Schedule periodic cleaning sessions to trim up what you have there and reassess your storage zone situation along the way. Do make it a habit to put things back in their allotted zones after each use and this will help prevent things from getting cluttered from here on out.
Celebrate Progress
Don’t be hard on yourself, take time and celebrate your progress. Decluttering can take some time, especially if you are looking for the best ways to clean your garage. Take pride in the new sense of space and functionality you created in your garage when you decluttered. Whether this space is a new gym area, a car spot or workspace – take pride in the effort you put in to help declutter.
Whether your garage is in complete disarray or just needs a bit of love and care, decluttering and organizing it can be an overwhelming task. Much like the task of decluttering and organizing your entire household, you probably sit there full of dread at the thought of starting this process. Don’t worry, with knowing the best ways to clean your garage the task will be easy.