We often overlook our bathroom when it comes to decluttering. We tend to leave clothes, old shampoo bottles and other hygienic products in there leading it to become cluttered.
Trash can
Leave a small trash can next to your bathroom sink. Plenty of people don’t have a bathroom trash can. This is what leads to leaving bottles under the sink or just sitting there on the counter. Having a trash can inside the bathroom will lead you to throw items away. When it’s full you will know that you need to throw it away and start over. Doing this made me realize how much clutter the bathroom accumulates.
Organize your bathroom products. Most bathroom come standard with towels and toilet paper holder but that’s not enough. You can buy wall shelves or over the toilet organizer. You will free up space under the sink. I like using the shelves to put toilet paper and other products. Now under the sink have more space to keep the cleaning products neatly organized. You can also put additional hangers in the bathroom to keep your clothes off the ground. This can be used to hang your towel as well.
Keep your tooth brush along with your Colgate in a stain free holder. There’s one that you can hang on the wall so you can keep the counter clean. If you have a medicine cabinet throw away things you don’t use. Most of us keep our prescription inside there. There’s a reason it’s called “Medicine Cabinet”. Make sure you are not keeping expired medicine. Most of us have a habit of keeping expired products around when it should be thrown away.
If you don’t have a medicine cabinet it’s easy to get one installed. You can do it yourself if your are a bit savvy. You can also put under sink organizer to keep your beauty products there. If you have young children make sure the door is secured so they don’t have easy access to it.
Getting the clutter out your bathroom and keeping it neatly organized makes using the bathroom a better experience. I hope you find the information here useful. Developing a tidy habit in the bathroom translate to other living spaces. Minimalism helps you better focus on the fewer things you have to clean and maximizes your time.