What To Keep As A Minimalist: A Useful Guide To Follow Right Now

Man packing box

What should you keep as a minimalist? Minimalism requires that you don’t keep unnecessary things around. When you downsize it’s hard to imagine what to throw away and what to keep. Below I’ve gathered some things you might want to keep if you are planning on being a minimalist. 

It’s important to note that before you attempt being a minimalist that you don’t just jump right into it. Read my post about practicing minimalism here

What things to keep as a minimalist?

To put things into perspective. You must first identify and analyze things that you deem valuable to you. Once you identify those things in the beginning of your journey as a minimalist, you understand what things you need to keep.

Sentimental items.

Sentimental gift

This one is pretty easy. Keep the things that are sentimental to you granted that it’s not affecting your lifestyle. If it’s something that you can store with you that won’t occupy too much space then it’s viable. What about if it’s something big or requires care? Let’s say it’s a vehicle for instance. You might want to reconsider if it’s gonna be valuable if you keep long term. If it is then you can look into proper storage to keep it in pristine condition. If it’s not then you may want to consider selling or donating. 



Keep your suitcase and or duffle bag. As a minimalist you don’t need a large suitcase to carry around. Bulky suitcase takes up a lot of space. If you already have one don’t throw it away. I like to repurpose it as a mini storage inside my closet for an emergency. I prefer collapsible duffle-bag as I can fold and store it way neatly without taking up space. 

High quality items 

Expensive clothing

Keeping high quality things such as clothes, shoes, etc, will allow you to keep an item for much longer. This will make you spend less frequently. Buying cheaper products will cause you to spend more often as you will need to replacement much quicker.  Keep your high quality things neatly organized and stored properly for longevity. 


tool box

Don’t throw away all your tools. Get a handy tool box and store some tools that are useful. You may need to fix something and want to have a set of tools handy in your vicinity. This will save you time and money trying to buy additional tools. Here some tools to keep;

  • Hammer
  • Screwdriver set
  • Tape measure 
  • Level
  • Tape (electrical and all purpose)
  • Swiss knife
  • First aid kit


These are some of things I think you should keep around. You should aim to keep things that are not going to distract you or be too much in your way. Having things around that serve a purpose for you will make your living easier. 

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